Welcome To Tipping Point Farm!

About Us:
We first started our farm in 2004, with one goat, two horses, and a pair of black pugs. From there we began showing dairy goats, angora goats, and pygmy goats in 4-H, FFA, and open shows from 2005-2013. My son graduated in 2013 from Western Reserve High School in Collins, OH and as of May 2017 has earned a Bachelors Degree in Business Management & Marketing from Baldwin Wallace University.. When my son went off to college, we decided to sell off our dairy goat herd and focus on our Pug Breeding Program.
Once we were able to focus on our Pug Breeding Program more we began to search for pugs of unique colors that we didn't already own. Since 2013, We have added many new colors to our pug breeding program including: White, Black and Tan, Merle, Silver, Brindle, Apricot, Black, Pink, and much more. While doing it we have met some very special people throughout the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, & Columbia that have helped us expand the variety of colored pugs that we have for our breeding program.
In 2012 I quit my job, and started breeding pugs full time. My new job title is a "Stay at Home Pug Mommy". When it comes to our older pugs we DO NOT re home them. Instead we retire them and they live out the remainder of their lives here at Tipping Point Farm, playing, eating, sleeping day after day, and spending time with our family. After all, Pugs are the ultimate companion and mans best friend. They will always be there for you no matter what, whether they are trying to cheer you up, steel your food, or give you kisses.
Currently we have four generations of our own pugs. With such a large demand for our pugs, I have now brought in my mom's dogs to be a part of my breeding program, so everyone is able to have their own Tipping Point Farm Pug. My Mom owns a farm thirty minutes away from me where she lives and raises her own pugs with help from me. She went from Retired nurse to "Stay at Home Pug Mommy" too.
On February 11th, 2016, my first pug, "Cheese", the one who started it all passed away suddenly. The whole family was devastated after learning of her passing and spending so many years with such a great dog. I was heart broken, I lost my best friend. This one dog was the reason behind my
whole pug breeding program. I loved this dog so much that I wanted to breed pugs so everyone could have "their own Cheese". After all, Pug love is like no other, you are their world and they become a family member. Even though Cheese is no longer here with us, I know that I am lucky enough to have got to spend so many years with her and have her daughters, grand daughters, and great grand daughters.
When it comes to our pugs, Health is our #1 priority and then of course color! From day one, we are directly involved with our puppies, we help them come into the world and love them everyday till they go to there new family. Please feel free to call or email me anytime you have a question or
are interested in a pug. Thank you for taking the time to read the Story behind our farm. We are looking forward to hearing from you and your family and to adding a new member to your family.
As some of you may have noticed there weren't very many puppies listed for sale this year, nor was my website kept up to date. I apologize for this and will be back to keeping up with my website for 2020. The reasoning behind this is as follows:
At the beginning of this year my father was diagnosed with stomach cancer. As soon as we learned of the diagnosis, we made arrangements to meet with the surgeon. Unfortunately after the scans were taken, a spot was found on his liver which gave him a terminal diagnosis (2 months without chemo, 6 months with chemo). In March of 2019 he opted to start a chemo regiment every 3 weeks to hopefully extend his life expectancy. During the next few months him and I created a bucket list of things he wanted to do, which we were able to complete in between his visits to the hospital and chemo treatments.
In August his cancer was reassessed to see if the chemo treatments had been working. The results were heartbreaking, the chemo hadn't worked and his body was full of cancer. Within a month of this heart breaking news my fathers health deteriorated, he was back and forth between hospice and the emergency room until he lost his battle to cancer on September 22, 2019.
My fathers loss has been extremely difficult, but I am now able to start focusing on my breeding program once again. As of right now we have big plans for 2020. For more information about our plans, please contact me with any inquiries regarding current and future puppies or keep checking back for updates. We appreciate your patience and look forward to adding the newest fur-member to your family.
Thanks, Michelle Branning

October 6, 1945
to September 22, 2019
In Loving Memory Of
Charles L. Frye
